Those tigers who had a bad time last year (especially if the tiger has it at the couple's palace, or at work), will be happy that the monkey's energy is finally over, and will not return, from the same way, until 60 years, when the characteristics of yang fire and the monkey meet again.
In January, after the holidays, we all end up a little tired and wanting to return to order and routine. Everything is balance: work and rest, yin and yang. Some cost more than others the flexibility and flow with what they play. Generally people with water characteristics are the ones that more easily fit the environment and the moment. On the other hand, people of land or wood usually take longer to adapt to changes; by its nature it is normal.
At the beginning of the year it is common for all of us to do a reorganization both internally and externally. We start with the external that is to clean and accommodate everything correctly in our house. Houses need the human qi, which represents our presence, in the use of things.
Neither one extreme of order, nor the other of chaos and stacking is healthy. When we turn this practice into something regular, we don't allow it to accumulate too much, and at the time we accommodate it it will be easier for us. Sometimes if we let it get together a lot, the process can even be hard emotionally, because things appear that remove us and of course it is better to postpone it. Once we see the advantage of doing it with a certain periodicity it is like a healthy maintenance. Thus we begin without knowing it to practice Feng Shui in our house, removing blockages, stagnations, in the first layer, or in what we see, because it is matter and has form.
But what about what we don't see but what we know is there: the invisible energy that we all perceive to a greater or lesser extent, but that affects us all? With this energy we must also work and in this part we need to consult with a fengshuista that we are the people who are dedicated to the study and observation of the effects of the environment, tangible and intangible, on people.
This is a deeper layer that requires training to be able to understand and treat it, because it connects with us making us stronger or weaker, affects our health, moods, and finally our destiny in an important way.
Everyone should know the events to which the energy that a house has predisposes us, and thus we would choose better where we should live. Few energies are bad for everyone. Many of them are valid or can help the person depending on their character or occupation. For example, if a person is dedicated to medicine, he can make good use of the energy that refers to health and illness, but people who do not engage in this activity should preferably not be too exposed to that energy.
For this type of variables, what can be suggested in a general way for all homes are the annual beneficial sectors, because the study must be unique and personalized of each house and its inhabitants. In classical Feng Shui the orientation of the house, the age of the house, the kua number of its inhabitants, and its four pillars come into play.
Doing a study is essential to get to know your home better, learn to interact with it or if you have already done so, update the Feng Shui of your home for 2017. Feng Shui is not a one-time event, it is a way of life. It requires maintenance and monitoring.
Our house is only part of the story. So far we are touching or manipulating our luck on earth, and by making those changes, we will have a good dish on which we will see what is going to be served.… What we have is not random: we all have to live cycles within our life experience on earth, and these cycles are clearly defined in the Chinese calendar, which first helps us to know what kind of qi we inhale when we were born (our essence), and then how this essence or spirit is related to the passage of time.
What does the year of fire yin of the rooster have to do with me? With everyone it has something to do because it will come to touch that basic individual essence in some way, for some positively for others not so much.
This rooster known as peach blossom for monkeys, rats and dragons, will bring glamor, romance, will make people of this sign find themselves attractive and charismatic, which in general will open more doors and/or give greater chance of developing a romantic relationship. However, this star does not differentiate married or singles, which can pose problems if the person is already in a relationship.
Those who are roosters will see that it is a year with many challenges, a bit overwhelming and where they must make changes because as the saying goes "there are no two roosters in the same pen", because they generate lawsuit or confusion.
By these dates we tend to make purposes sometimes quite optimistic or we set the bar very high. Try to be realistic and not too many, not to lose focus. Choosing to work with something every year would be enough to improve.
The guideline on what we could improve or what aspect is time to work, we can find in the reading of our life from the energy point of view. Checking our Ba Zi or four pillars annually can guarantee that we will focus our efforts on what for which energy is conducive at that time and the favorable environment to achieve this will be carried out by Feng Shui.
Leonor Estrada
Fengshuista Member of the British Feng Shui Society accredited by IFSA