The Four Pillars (BaZi Analysis) is the Chinese system of astrology that utilizes the Chinese calendar to convert the birth info of a person into the five elements of the Chinese metaphysics to obtain a BaZi Chart. 

This chart reveals the potential life of a person with regards to their opportunities and best periods in life as well as the challenges and those that require the biggest effort. 


BaZi Analysis consists of two parts:

  1. The first is all about who you are - strengths, weaknesses, priorities in life, potential for specific careers, hidden talents, and suggestions on how to add good practices or habits that bring balance to your chart. 

  2. The second part comes when your chart is combined with the current time in the calendar, past features, and options in the future are discussed to have a better management of your expectations in all aspects: friends, romance, wealth, health, education, and authority.  

Meeting options for your analysis:

  • Face-to-face 

  • FaceTime

  • ZOOM meeting