The Year of the Rooster is Here!

Those tigers who had a bad time last year (especially if the tiger has it at the couple's palace, or at work), will be happy that the monkey's energy is finally over, and will not return, from the same way, until 60 years, when the characteristics of yang fire and the monkey meet again.

In January, after the holidays, we all end up a little tired and wanting to return to order and routine. Everything is balance: work and rest, yin and yang. Some cost more than others the flexibility and flow with what they play. Generally people with water characteristics are the ones that more easily fit the environment and the moment. On the other hand, people of land or wood usually take longer to adapt to changes; by its nature it is normal.

At the beginning of the year it is common for all of us to do a reorganization both internally and externally. We start with the external that is to clean and accommodate everything correctly in our house. Houses need the human qi, which represents our presence, in the use of things.

Neither one extreme of order, nor the other of chaos and stacking is healthy. When we turn this practice into something regular, we don't allow it to accumulate too much, and at the time we accommodate it it will be easier for us. Sometimes if we let it get together a lot, the process can even be hard emotionally, because things appear that remove us and of course it is better to postpone it. Once we see the advantage of doing it with a certain periodicity it is like a healthy maintenance. Thus we begin without knowing it to practice Feng Shui in our house, removing blockages, stagnations, in the first layer, or in what we see, because it is matter and has form.

But what about what we don't see but what we know is there: the invisible energy that we all perceive to a greater or lesser extent, but that affects us all? With this energy we must also work and in this part we need to consult with a fengshuista that we are the people who are dedicated to the study and observation of the effects of the environment, tangible and intangible, on people.

This is a deeper layer that requires training to be able to understand and treat it, because it connects with us making us stronger or weaker, affects our health, moods, and finally our destiny in an important way.

Everyone should know the events to which the energy that a house has predisposes us, and thus we would choose better where we should live. Few energies are bad for everyone. Many of them are valid or can help the person depending on their character or occupation. For example, if a person is dedicated to medicine, he can make good use of the energy that refers to health and illness, but people who do not engage in this activity should preferably not be too exposed to that energy.

For this type of variables, what can be suggested in a general way for all homes are the annual beneficial sectors, because the study must be unique and personalized of each house and its inhabitants. In classical Feng Shui the orientation of the house, the age of the house, the kua number of its inhabitants, and its four pillars come into play.

Doing a study is essential to get to know your home better, learn to interact with it or if you have already done so, update the Feng Shui of your home for 2017. Feng Shui is not a one-time event, it is a way of life. It requires maintenance and monitoring.

Our house is only part of the story. So far we are touching or manipulating our luck on earth, and by making those changes, we will have a good dish on which we will see what is going to be served.… What we have is not random: we all have to live cycles within our life experience on earth, and these cycles are clearly defined in the Chinese calendar, which first helps us to know what kind of qi we inhale when we were born (our essence), and then how this essence or spirit is related to the passage of time.

What does the year of fire yin of the rooster have to do with me? With everyone it has something to do because it will come to touch that basic individual essence in some way, for some positively for others not so much.

This rooster known as peach blossom for monkeys, rats and dragons, will bring glamor, romance, will make people of this sign find themselves attractive and charismatic, which in general will open more doors and/or give greater chance of developing a romantic relationship. However, this star does not differentiate married or singles, which can pose problems if the person is already in a relationship.

Those who are roosters will see that it is a year with many challenges, a bit overwhelming and where they must make changes because as the saying goes "there are no two roosters in the same pen", because they generate lawsuit or confusion.

By these dates we tend to make purposes sometimes quite optimistic or we set the bar very high. Try to be realistic and not too many, not to lose focus. Choosing to work with something every year would be enough to improve.

The guideline on what we could improve or what aspect is time to work, we can find in the reading of our life from the energy point of view. Checking our Ba Zi or four pillars annually can guarantee that we will focus our efforts on what for which energy is conducive at that time and the favorable environment to achieve this will be carried out by Feng Shui.

Leonor Estrada
Fengshuista Member of the British Feng Shui Society accredited by IFSA

Does Feng Shui work for you?

Sometimes I wonder what happens to people who request a feng shui study and when they receive the suggestions they don't carry them out? Or just any of them?

It may be due to carelessness, or did they expect that only with a paper report would things change?

There may be times when a family member is not pleased with the idea, and going further with changes seems very difficult. Human beings are reluctant to change. But when someone tells me "I don't notice anything, Feng Shui doesn't work for me," and I ask him: “Did you do this or that?”; I usually get "Oh, that, not yet." I find it curious to see how we are. Although they tell us what needs to be done, we continue to do the same in almost every aspect of our lives, expecting different results. We are just like that.

Do not expect different results if you do not change

Other times it seems that people pay to have their ideas reaffirmed. It seems that when you describe the situations that are happening to you, you will be comforted to know that it is not something in your head, that it is real. Then it seems that they prefer to continue in the same way.

In that sense I have encountered different types of people. There are those that cooperate to the fullest taking into account that, the more details of what is happening at home are shared, the more obvious it will be for the consultant to identify congruence with the energy picture, and evidently the suggestions will be very clear and specific, generating changes right away. There are times that, due to the reforms or doubts in the year of construction, it is necessary to make more than one picture, and only with the cooperation of the inhabitants can we know which energy chart corresponds to that house.

Actually, we are not magicians. Feng Shui requires a lot of study, but any observer who prepares and practices enough can be a great consultant. When I meet clients who share nothing, who assume that it is our job to guess or "see" what is happening, it is more complicated, because we are not fortune tellers, we are consultants, and the more details we know, the more possibilities of a good result we have.

Sometimes we think we can do Feng Shui in our bedroom only, and things don't work that way. Feng Shui is part of a cosmos macro. We must see what is around us— that counts and counts a lot. When we look out the window, what do we see? Beautiful or ugly images? By the time we get to the bedroom, we have already reviewed a lot. I wish everything was as simple as placing the bed in the right position; I usually say that this is the cherry on the cake.

Practicing Feng Shui is a way of life

Practicing Feng Shui is a way of life, it is not an event, because we also have the annual afflictions that rotate in cycles and combine with the basic energy that is in the picture of our house, and this combination offers different possibilities every year . What do I mean by possibilities? It is not that money arrives at the door or love. Possibilities is what comes to us every day and sometimes we are not ready, we do not take it or see it.

When I have a client determined to practice Feng Shui, I suggest they keep a small diary about the new things that are happening regardless of the decision made. One day a client told me, but what else? And I replied, what else do you want? You and your whole family are healthy, you have a lot of work, you have been given a promotion, what is your definition of prosperity? Perhaps the benefits of Feng Shui have been misinterpreted as a marketing technique.

When the Feng Shui of a place is good, things flow well, without major setbacks. When something is wrong, it is when we do not explain why so many obstacles or things that seem not to have a reason, a logic. If not, then everything is as it should be.

Another thing that comes into play is the Ba Zi of the person, luck or energy of the same. You have to read the inhabitants of a place to understand how the effects of the same place will affect each one differently. The correlation between all things is a fact; there is no limit between our energy and that of the place where we are, they communicate and combine. Nothing is a casualty. The study of metaphysics is infinite. One part is Feng Shui, which studies the invisible forms and energy around us, affecting our health and our prosperity.

Another part is astrology, Ba Zi, which studies the stages that each individual has to go through from the day and time of their birth. All this and more is related in classic Feng Shui. Unfortunately, the practice of black hat or Bagua, or the western version of Feng Shui, has made some people believe that they know, or even more, that they already practice it, and it does not work.

Also, a good Feng Shui consultant knows that practicing Feng Shui doesn't solve everything. There are things we cannot solve, and there are others that require other practices or disciplines. Lately I have had the opportunity to work with houses that have an energy vitality below 6500 bovies, and this is considered as negative for people, in addition to being so low energy, Feng Shui suggestions may not have an effect. Geobiology experts say that a house must have adequate vitality so that when new elements are introduced the energy has enough strength to react. In this sense we must be open and alert to use other techniques when necessary.

That said, what is your idea about Feng Shui or your experience? If you want to share it, I'll be happy to hear it!

Leonor Estrada
Classic Feng Shui Consultant accredited by IFSA and FSS

Who am I or what am I here for?

This is the question that we all ask ourselves several times in life but I have heard that if a person reaching 40 still does not know, it becomes neurotic, and that is when the famous crisis comes, because we have not yet discovered that by or for what.

In Chinese metaphysics the term destiny is used a lot, which has different meaning for each person, some believe that it is already predetermined, others believe that it is in their hands, actually from the point of view of Chinese astrology it is a bit of the two, because although there is a predictable part that is how I will react with people or events according to my way of being, or my abilities or weaknesses; there is another one that is in my hands, when I am aware of what I am and do something to change, make more congruent decisions about what suits me, the choice of a partner, or the reaction to the specific demands of a job, they certainly go to bring us better results than what by basic nature or instinct would have done without this awareness.

How to call him, is the least, because the name does not really matter, as long as we believe that there is a part of us that defines us very individually with a set of virtues and defects that we should know well.

In the Chinese calendar there are 12 stations with a duration of 10 years each, so if we know the characteristics of each one, we can predict how it will affect us in areas such as health, relationships or the ability to accumulate wealth or power etc. , as we each know what to expect and how spring feels, as a similar thing but seen with a zoom, throughout our lives.

There are times conducive to everything, the issue is to identify them, in this life we go as if groping trying to achieve success in what occurs to us at the moment we occur, but there are vibrations that will facilitate much more than these things happen in one moment than another. The four pillars help us get a guide on what is coming and when, so we can be better prepared.

In Asia it is widely used to prevent health issues, since according to Chinese medicine, the symptoms of a disease appear when there is much of what is not needed or little of what I need, and to know the cycle of these seasons and what they offer me, it helps me to see clearly when that condition can be exacerbated or improved.

What do I do about it? Once I identify what each station is about, I can decide if it is time to change jobs, to open my own business, to have a child, etc. Many times when we begin to feel restless about something it is because the energy itself is moving in one direction or another, that is, we begin to feel like changing residence, for example, and this is in our four pillars; the moments in which our energy of creativity and the energy of power face each other, this possibility is born which has a good chance of happening, as long as we decide and take action.

It is an unconscious connection that we have with the universe, because we are energy and we are connected, so it is not known what my idea is first or the energy that leads me to the idea, but when I follow this current or this intuition I feel satisfied!

It is clear that not everyone is worth everything, certainly we can learn everything and do it well, but from good to excellent the difference is called passion, vocation, when I work and the hours pass without feeling, when I visit a client and I loved talking about subject, it is not the same feeling as when I finished my career as a financial accountant, where only to see those squared green leaves my stomach was compressed and made me want to yawn. Now I have experienced it, the definition of success lies in my experience, in finding and doing what you are passionate about.

Some years ago I was confused without knowing where to throw, apathetic, and by chance if this term is not yet obsolete, all this Chinese philosophy came into my life and since then I stayed here, learning all I can, working everything what I can, observing everything around me.

Thanks to the fact that I began to recognize Feng Shui as an important part of my life, I learned that we should align ourselves with nature, not her with us, and I began to be aware of the consumption of healthy food, of avoiding wasting food, of taking food. Nature is what I occupy and no more, is what I always say, and it is a way of life. Somehow the people who still do not identify this connection are those who think that Feng Shui is bullshit— they called me a witch one day, another day a man asked me how he saw the chakras at home. Anyway, how is simple fact of not being visible so basic?

I have also had my moments of doubt to test what my teachers teach me, even with skepticism, I remember for example, placing 6 metal coins in that place where energy required it, in that sector where inexplicably there was no good roll, communication for some reason happened to aggression or sarcasm, and it was to place them and really, we started to laugh at harmony and good vibes.

On another occasion, I listened to a psychiatrist who explained some topic of quantum physics that seemed super deep to me and talked about the power of the word or the sound, that the prama, or the qi, respond to the sound. That is why it is important to say positive things and generate pleasant sounds. My teachers always say that the sound of metal, in the case of wind chimes, emits waves or an expansive echo that alters energy but that you have to put them in the right place, and not indiscriminately where they look pretty.

In short, the tests and the changes in attitude are incredible, and only when I experience them I am tremendously passionate and take even more respect for nature, are we like their toys, do we believe in it or not.

The work is daily, the line between Feng Shui and the four pillars is logically invisible but they go hand in hand, because besides tuning, as my friend Adrian said, the place where time passed, I also work on the energy that I give to my body, the prevention for when those stations where the energy is not at all favorable arrive, it is about eating what stops the erosion that the organs suffer depending on that way of being, of that predictable part that costs so much to mold, while I learn or improve at least we give the body what it needs most, that is if I tend to be a choleric person because I try to take care and clean my liver, green juices and those things will be the counterpart of that self, if I am afraid I will avoid diuretics, even if I love coffee, if I spend it turning things around from one side to another without stopping to think, then I will make sure that my stomach does not remain empty and try to pay special attention to what I eat, because appetite impulses are usually very irregular for these people, etc.

When I identify in my four pillars that the energy does not favor me or is in conflict with me, I must take care of myself much more and take more precaution, which I did not have this summer and I learned again clearly how the thing works, first a phalange break, followed by a twin injury, and thus at rest without being able to walk much here and there, curiously I verified how the month of the monkey in combination with my natal year of snake became water which collides with yang fire of my master day, and when fire and water collide, there is no room for negotiation, they taught me.

If you are interested in starting to try Chinese philosophy, this is the moment, congratulations.

Leonor Estrada
Fenshuista Member of the British Feng Shui Society Disciple of Grand Master Raymond Lo

How Feng Shui helps you

Feng Shui is not an isolated aspect of our life, which we turn to at some point in time and then forget. Like when we are looking for our well-being or our health, it is not about practicing a sport or eating a healthy diet for a week and then forgetting and expecting great results. Actually, Feng Shui corresponds to our environment and must be permanently aligned with our purpose and with our person or our habits.

Most of the people live on a bilateral level of transaction between the environment and oneself, where I expect from the environment what I don't give it or else, I charge it with very high expectations what I give it, and in this constant game we go and come looking for an answer or results that sometimes do not correspond to us or are not realistic.

Experiencing this is part of the human process until we begin to look for the meaning or direction to break this transaction of ideals that are never realized because they do not align with the higher purpose and that is when we come to realize that something more than we do not know and that some they call destiny or luck, it also intervenes in our life.

The Chinese designed a system to understand life, to get to know each other, to look for the connection with the essence or the origin, which helps them to have clearer what they are and what they are, giving the time factor a very important value.

In this sense they are more practical, because they make peace with reality and complain less, helping to order their usual environment according to their essence or destiny.

Environment is not only the Feng Shui of a site, it is everything that surrounds us; the connection of our body with the outside. Knowing who we are and how the passage of time affects us based on a calendar, helps us to have realistic expectations about what we have to receive from the world and guides us about the best we have to give it or what we naturally do with greater grace or virtue; therefore, we will succeed more easily.

This tool called Ba Zi, or four pillars, is the tool that interprets the configuration of our essence or energy formation and is contained in our date and time of birth. It is an astrological system of logical deductions based on the 5 elements: earth, wood, water, fire and metal which will be present in our structure to a greater or lesser extent, each representing factors such as power, money, friends, creativity or education.

Knowing our origin, we will align our surroundings with a sense or with a direction, that is, there will be an objective, which can be identified or expected within certain periods of our life.

In the West we blindly insist on what we want at the moment that we think we could use, but things always come when they come, and using this tool we can know what it touches and when.

We have heard that this year of the monkey would affect those born in the year of the tiger, or in the month, day or time. The year in which we were born represents only one eighth of who we are, the interpretation of the Ba Zi or four pillars, also takes into account the month, day and time, to define precisely a person.

Now, what do the elements have to do? Fire Monkey? When we get to this part, we already ask ourselves: what about fire will it be? The presence of elements also influences our fate or destiny, and what fire means to each one of us affects the unique constitution or essence with which we were born.

In the Chinese solar calendar there are 60 combinations of energy that will be related to each of us differently. Each combination refers to a year, with what can be estimated as it will be next or next year, without being a matter of divination, much less, but exclusively based on the natural order of time that nothing and nobody it can alter, because they follow the order of a calendar.

What would you do, for example, if you knew that the next year your health could weaken? Or if you knew that you will have chances of getting pregnant, or that it is out of your hands that your partner and your parents understand each other? Or that you have a lot of ability to teach but little artistic ease? For now we would save a lot of energy, "trying" or looking for the reasons because we have qualities and weaknesses of birth, potential and periods of greater or lesser luck. Knowing them allows us to better manage our expectations, make better decisions and take better care of our health.

This essence is unchangeable, unless we change our date of birth.

Feng Shui was developed to help people and not homes, just during periods when we are fragile. Being in a bad environment during a cycle of bad luck will lead us to get sick. We cannot leave the cycle before or after it until it is finished, but align the Feng Shui if it is in our hand.

On the other hand, if we put ourselves in a good place at a good time we will have to enhance, maximize or enlarge the results, because it is like working in an area with the maximum Wi-Fi signal. In short, Feng Shui improves the good and makes the negative less bad.

The same goes for habits: it is worth nothing to always eat badly and one day well, especially if our health is not very good, and on the contrary, if we always take care of ourselves and one day we exceed ourselves, nothing happens. It is a way of life; habits, Feng Shui, have to be aligned to who we are.

In this line of thinking the question arises, so how does a house line up for all its inhabitants? This would not be feasible or work like this. There are actually better and worse houses, and in general they offer or have certain characteristics both good and bad. The issue is how and WHEN these will be reflected in each of the inhabitants, and this is the individual connection of each between the Ba Zi or four pillars and the environment to which it is exposed. Now the good characteristics of a house will be good for everyone and bad ones too, so it is important to have a healthy house in general terms with good Feng Shui.

Hence, for example, the accommodation of people in a house. Depending on its moment and situation, priority can be given to use the best sectors-rooms at any given time. They are fundamental as it is the place where we spend a third of our lives.

Just as we have to make adjustments in our diet, in our relationships, so we must make adjustments in our environment, certainly not daily, but it is recommended annually, as nothing is permanent.

Adjustments are not about throwing walls or making reforms, they are much more subtle things. Now, common sense is also welcome in this practice as in any other. If suddenly we put a power plant near our house that is affecting the entire electromagnetic field of the area or neighborhood, we cannot think that by placing any element or object in our house we can counteract the force of said energy in the environment. Let's be logical and honest; everything has its reach.

It is important not to waste good periods or cycles in a bad place or bad environment, as this drains our energy decreasing our potential and with it our results. We cannot afford to lose vital energy unnecessarily, because it takes us away from what was for us. As the saying goes: you have to be in the right place and at the right time.

The tangible part that generates energy such as food, rest or sport, is as important as the intangible, the qi that circulates inside and outside of us. Let us not see it does not detract from it. It is like our breathing: we do nothing to have it or see it, and yet it is there and it is everything. When I stop, it's all over. The balance between the tangible and the intangible is the ideal state of well-being.

Leonor Estrada
Residential and Commercial Fengshuista

2016 Year of the Fire Monkey  

According to the solar calendar, the new year begins on February 4.

There is confusion with the lunar calendar, which this year begins on February 8, the latter is used in China for festivities and celebrations, while the solar calendar is used for example to interpret the four pillars of the Ba Zi destination, of a person. Mind you, those people born in January or the first days of February should check the day on the Chinese solar calendar to identify the correct year in which they were born.

This year-end of the goat, the month of January was a month of much instability in general, we could experience unpleasant sensations or friction, because the month of January represents the month of ox which is in conflict with the goat. Being the two land animals create this tension and competition in the energy of the earth.

Those born in the year of the ox will be willing to leave behind this year that could be turbulent or present difficulties, thankfully similar characteristics will not occur again in 60 years, which are what constitute the complete cycle, with what events similar to those that took place in 2015, will take place in 2057 and so on.

During 2016, the tigers will be able to experience a turbulent year due to the collision with the monkey. For these people it is important to say that they must manage their expectations in a super conservative way, since it is said that when the existing energy is in conflict with their own, the tendency is to be “confused”, and we are not able to make good decisions or these do not bring the expected results.

For tigers it is suggested to carry a snake (image, figure), as this is a monkey's friend and will reduce the conflict with the tiger. This recommendation does not come from magical thinking where it is expected that by itself, it has the power to modify the existing energy, since this is impossible, the energy that exists and the way in which it relates to each one, represents the unchanged third of our life, what happens is that when we see this image or figure it helps us to focus or become aware of the moment we are in, knowing that it is a cycle and that it is not forever, this awareness of the present moment reduces frustration, allowing us to focus on the existing possibilities.

Tigers can carry it all year in the purse, in the wallet, or anywhere that goes with you most of the time, at the same time ensuring that the other two thirds that constitute the well-being of people - in which if We can make changes - be treated in a way that gives us balance to mitigate the risks or obstacles that this year may present. The Feng Shui of the place where we live must be in harmony and our habits and lifestyle must be healthy and safe, avoid extreme sports and any unnecessary risk.

Regarding those people born in the year of the snake, the thing will be very different, and favorable due to the good relationship with the monkey, which represents movement and changes, they can already be ready for any type of trip or move.

For people born on days of fire, the monkey metal represents money, so they will be very active in their work or business, as well as the industry related to fire, telecommunications, social networks, entertainment and television, It will be a good time for the film and theater industry.

The characteristics of the monkey are earth, metal and water - a very cold combination - so that when in contact with the heat of the fire, the metal becomes moldable and flexible to obtain good results, which makes the year comparatively better with respect to 2015 where the firmness of the wood trying to conquer the earth, generated an important fight.

Yang fire represents the heart, blood while metal represents the lungs, respiratory system and intestine. In the months of February and May take special care with inflammations or pressure problems, as there will be a strong influence of fire and wood that can cause health imbalances, consume omega 3 and vitamin C to regulate body heat.

On the other hand, the metal being the element that is extracted from the earth, will help to lose weight, those kilos that in the years of fire and earth we have accumulated, can be reduced more easily during the fall of 2016.

Yang fire people are like the sun, warm, open, easy to relate and honest. However, they have constant mood swings and they can be eccentric and temperamental. This year's fire amplifies its characteristics in every way, especially in February and May.

As regards the Feng Shui of the place where we spend most of our lives, in our home or office, we must be aware of the energy of earth #2 and #5 because they are the energies to which the human being is more vulnerable, because they refer to diseases or obstacles, and therefore it is important to keep them in balance, for this metals are ideal because they weaken the earth's energy.

Each year the flying stars take a new position and the intensity of their effect will depend first on the basic energy contained in that sector from the moment of its construction, and then on the constitution of the inhabitants themselves. That is why houses do not have exactly the same effect for everyone living in it.

This year the #5 that represents obstacles or misfortunes, visit the northeast metallic sound is recommended to fractionate the negative energy dispersing it, it is not recommended to do works or reforms in this area, and of course not spend more than 2 or 3 hours a day in that zone, as we know it is the prolonged exposure to certain energy that affects us. Or go out from time to time to cut periods in smaller stays.

Energy #2 is at the center this year, this energy is related to health, so it also needs to be mitigated with metal, in classical Feng Shui, there are several ways to collect or clean this energy that weakens people's health. This year being at the center is very important to treat it to avoid diseases.

Energy #3 refers to thefts and conflicts, visit the northwest, fire is what consumes this energy with wood characteristics. Reducing its strength and creating balance in the environment.

Energy #7 visits the north, also refers to discussions, because of its metal nature, it requires wood, green color, plants.

The favorable energies, 8, 9, 1, 6 can be activated and used as much as possible, working, sleeping, entering those sectors where they are, however we must not forget that within Chinese metaphysics, Feng Shui corresponds to the fate of the earth, that is 1/3 of our fate, being vital to review the four Ba Zi pillars, because the interaction between our house and us will depend on the moment in which we are and the combination of elements that are present.

That said, if according to our four pillars, fire and metal are not our favorite elements, it is better to be patient, and prepare the Feng Shui of our home to spend the year in the best possible way, otherwise if they are favorable, Congratulations, work on the aspects that these elements represent for everyone, because as we know they are not the same for everyone.

Happy and prosperous year of the monkey for all the followers of Feng Shui, the art of placement.

If you want to have an energy audit of your home or workplace, or a consultation of your four Ba Zi pillars, you are in good time to identify the activities that will prevail during the year. Good luck!

Leonor Estrada
Feng Shui Consultant

The feng shui, delicate observation

Feng Shui means much more than the color we should use or the position of our bed, it is as complex as Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and equally effective if practiced properly. It has a part that is visual, which requires a lot of observation and from different angles. Fortunately today there are tools that facilitate this analysis from different perspectives. We are interested in knowing what surrounds our house immediately but also the geography of its surroundings, such as mountains and rivers or roads.

For the analysis of these characteristics or situation, it is necessary to practice but, above all, common sense, to understand how the energy that travels through the air moves when it encounters barriers or channels where it can go quickly, or finally- what is ideally sought- how the energy reaches places where it is retained without stagnation, generating a natural feeling of stability, which is perceptible by animals and people, we feel comfortable and protected.

On the other hand, the abstract part is the finest that requires precise data such as the date of construction of the building and the exact orientation.

We owe the study of this part to the ancient Chinese, who through observation and dedication found the relationship that existed between the passage of time and human beings, identified the effects that caused the position of the stars on the earth , since cyclically repeated certain events among the population both good and bad: plagues, wars, conquests, etc. The Chinese found the relationship between what was going on in the sky and how this was reflected on the earth.

The characteristics of energy are not the same in spring as in autumn or in summer and in winter, and how they affect human beings is also different, because we are an interconnected whole, what happens around us affects us because we are part of the environment and this of us.

Their observations were passed from generation to generation and defined a numerical system in which the main identified effects were contained. Thanks to this method, today Feng Shui practitioners can determine based on the time the house was built; the characteristics of the energy existing at that time and therefore the type of effects-consequences that will be reflected in the earth, that is; the events and types of energy are contained in a site, affecting the mood, health and success of the people there.

Well, each place has some characteristics which in a matter of time and the unique and individual connection with each person, will give rise to a certain effect.

Hence the importance of really knowing our property is essential for us to manage our expectations in a realistic way. Using Feng Shui as a knowledge tool gives us an extra insight into the quality of life that a place offers us.

Feng Shui is generally misunderstood as an activity related to the order of cleanliness and decoration, although one of the basic principles of Feng Shui is beauty, it is not the final goal or the basis of its study, in the end it always is tastes. Tastes are varied and why we understand it through the interpretation of the four pillars of each person's destiny. This is another tool that Feng Shui practitioners use to meet people and know what their tastes and needs are, since not for everyone and for any house having an orange room or any specific color is positive.

When we refer to the four pillars - Ba Zi - we look once more back, at the moment when a person was born and analyze what the energy situation was at that time which impregnates the person and gives them their basic characteristics, so such as its structure, difficulties, strengths, propensity to certain diseases, faculties, abilities, etc.

In this sense before starting a study of Feng Shui we already have an important idea about the moment that the person is going through and what are the elements that he needs to feel balanced or with which he must work, since certainly the purpose of Feng Shui is to benefit to people and not to the houses themselves.

It is very risky and unsuccessful to generalize objects and colors without first studying the type of energy that exists in a certain sector, because so that in a house there is equilibrium, the yang energies are those that favor activities, coexistence, leisure and supposed prosperity; and the yin energies that are responsible for the human, physical and emotional part of people, are more or less in balance, although they can certainly never be at 50-50% it is important to have a good balance between them, otherwise if it is very yin people will tend to withdraw, isolate themselves etc., and if it is very yang people get upset and get nervous and do not find serenity. Both in excess, lead us to the loss of health.

Now, where or how are these energies in our house? Does our house comply with the principles of distribution, furniture position, colors suitable for us? Making a study of these factors in which we spend day by day, can be the beginning of a healthier and more conscious life. Making certain changes makes it possible for us to manipulate the energy in our favor, but above all we understand the reason for certain events that seem inexplicable to us.

There are certain things that are very simple to correct, others that are not so much, but you can mitigate its effect, or choose the most suitable householder for each room for example; and certainly there are others that are not within our reach especially when it comes to traffic or geography, but finding out how it affects us is better than not knowing it, don't you think? This is what classic Feng Shui is really about, did you know?

As almost every issue we find a world of information on the internet that can sometimes confuse us, especially this happens with the practice of Ba Gua, which was created by Taiwanese Lin Yun in the early 80s, was popularized mainly in America for its simplicity and its easy application.

At the moment when Yun decides to simplify the classic Feng Shui by removing the use of directions, the connection with the energy of the earth is lost, and it becomes a combination of general theories of Feng Shui with positive thinking, which was very much in vogue then along with the meditation and the transcendental religion, and therefore it becomes an industry based on psychology and the power of the mind, with what the result - if there was one - vanished as soon as this called "positive thinking" lost its strength. At the end of his life Lin Yun acknowledges that this was wrong.

Classic Feng Shui uses astrology to determine the 4 pillars of destiny, structure of the individual, the energy plan of a construction, formulas, calculations, etc. Special care and attention is taken with the reading of the compass –Luo Pan– as these cardinal directions are vital for the true application of classical Feng Shui.

Today, thanks to the work of some great teachers, the faultless practice of this technique is positioning the classic Feng Shui in the West, where we have already understood that nothing is so simple and there are no universal recipes for anything.

Leonor Estrada

Destination, Cycles and Feng Shui

They are the elements that, according to Chinese metaphysics, determine the life of a person.

The first and the second are fixed from the moment we are born, then we can incorporate Feng Shui whenever we want, as well as study and good habits. The decoding of destiny and cycles, Ba Zi, is one of the 5 arts that are part of Chinese metaphysics which, from the date and time of birth, interprets the life and episodes through which a person will go through throughout his life.

Known in the West as Four Pillars of Destiny, it shares the same basis as Chinese medicine, that is, the 5 elements and the theory of yin and yang; and uses the solar calendar to convert the date of birth of the calendar used in the west, to the Chinese calendar, which is divided into 60-year cycles, during which the annual energy combinations will be different.

It is an ancestral system of logical deductions, from China originated during the Song dynasty in 1100AC.

What is Ba Zi for?

The interpretation of these cycles of energy combinations in relation to each person is different and individual, and the amount of information you can provide us is as much and as detailed as we want to deepen, it will tell us who we are, skills, difficulties, predisposition to certain diseases etc. It does not tell us if we will become millionaires or things like that, but it will tell us in what areas and when we have a better chance of doing well, as long as we do what we have to do.

The most superficial characteristics that it provides us are in relation to our character, how others perceive us and what our true and authentic interests are. Many times we project a completely different thing to what we really are and this sometimes serves us and sometimes confuses us, because we don't understand why they treat us in a certain way.

Physiological characteristics are determined by the element that governs us, and this defines for example, among other things; if we are tall or short, if we have skin allergies, hearing, digestive problems, difficulties in getting pregnant, etc., and which are the organs with which we must try to be more careful, because our character and emotions, generally impact with greater force some of our organs, making us prone to certain diseases because we are wasting their energy with the passage of time. Therefore, it is necessary that we take certain supplements depending on the element that we have out of balance, since when we have much of what we do not need, or little of the element we need, it is when the diseases appear.

What do you need?

The date and time of our birth, will determine how our life should be, and our luck, in what periods or cycles we will be vulnerable and in which we will have "good luck" and in what aspects specifically.

Intelligence, money, friends, power and education will be interpreted by the five elements; earth, metal, wood, water and fire and the way in which they will affect us positively or negatively is encoded in this system.

Speaking of the cycles where we are vulnerable, we refer to those where the type of energy that is presented is not what we need, and there will be cycles that contain that element that strengthens us and makes certain aspects of our life better or develop better.

When a person is going through these periods, it is essential to take care of their health, because it will be the first target when we are vulnerable, also adjust their lifestyle, taking less risks and adopting good habits, such as taking good care of food, taking certain supplements and doing sports or meditation.


Advantages of the interpretation of Ba Zi

Having the possibility of understanding what is happening to us or why, and knowing the energy characteristics of the moment we are in is a very useful tool, because when we do the same and suddenly stop working or try with all our best will and ability to get something and it seems that we were not doing anything, the frustration can be very great, maybe we are trying something when we could be doing something else with greater ease and better results, but we do not know.

What kind of activity is right for us? Through these characters we will understand whether or not we have the necessary tools to be independent and start our own business or if we are better working for someone else; Being a knowledge tool, it gives us the key to the type of work or the environment in which we will develop more easily and therefore we will have more chances of success.

Special skills or talents: sometimes we have not tried to do certain things because we do not know that we have the talent to do them or learn them easily, perhaps we have bet on what does not seem to be appropriate according to the skill set with which we have been gifted at birth.

There are specific moments where we are more charismatic and charming, so we attract people more easily, these moments can be favorable depending on our situation, if we want to have a partner for example, or simply if the activity we do involves relationships public, then we will have the feeling that the doors open and that the people who are presenting have been just right.  

What about our relationships? With the family, with a boss, with friends, with a partner, with children, as they are and why they are like this, there will be those who complement us, who support us and vice versa, as well as others of whom we feel more Independence for our energy training.

What happens when we say: it was my turn or, finally, it was my time, etc.? Or when we gave up and then what we wanted so much? This happens because the energy of the cycle or of the year changes making it possible for that to happen; that is to say it represents that aspect in which previously we were not getting anything.

We are also amazed when someone who helps us unexpectedly appears and sometimes we do not know who is or where help can come from, things just come from where we least expect it leaving us happily surprised, there are nobles who help us from time to time, and all we have them, during these cycles and on several occasions we will have this pleasant feeling.

On the other hand, like yin and yang, there are also limitations that we all suffer throughout life, many times we do not understand why something happens to us. It seems to all of us at some point that it is not fair, so illogical. Apparently all people go through such moments, but we are better prepared when we know they will exist and maybe we can take certain measures or be cautious. In the case of health, we have already mentioned taking more precautions. In the case of interpersonal relationships, knowing It will be a period to try to be flexible and tolerant in the meantime, etc.

With respect to money and work they also have ideal cycles where we must make the most of and concentrate on our career, save, invest, etc. and others that we must be conservative in our decisions and keep a low profile.

All this information is contained in our date and time of birth, and interpreting it is an art that helps those who want to benefit from the study of Chinese metaphysics.

FSSA Leonor Estrada
Member of the British Feng Shui Society Disciple of Grand Master Raymond Lo

What Brings Us the Year of the Goat?

2015 Chinese New Year
What brings us the year of the goat?

It is the question that Feng Shui practitioners, and all those interested in Chinese metaphysics ask ourselves these days of the beginning of the year.

Unlike the western calendar, the Chinese calendar or Hsia calendar records the passage of time through the 5 elements, metal, water, wood, fire and earth, since they consider that through these, the universe and everything that is understood is understood. It happens.

During 2015, the elements that appear are yin wood and earth, which according to the cycle of birth and destruction, are in conflict because wood conquers the earth; which will be translated as a complicated year but relatively easier than the previous year, because of the yin nature of wood, which is more flexible than yang wood. In addition, the elements present at the beginning of the solar year, on February 4, 2015, are more balanced as the 5 elements appear, compared to last year that only 3 were presented.

The land goat usually collides with the ox, since one represents the summer land and the other the winter land, so people born in 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, will have a year of changes, trips, moving home or office, even work, will promote these adjustments.

These people are favored to take a horse with them, as this is a friend of the goat, and will distract the conflict with the ox.

People born in a day and in wood, are flexible, moderate, often with manual and artistic skills. Yin wood refers to the liver, neck and spine and refers to warm and friendly people. Personalities born in days and in wood are: Coco Chanel, Madonna, John Lenon, Lady Diana for example.

For people born on wooden days, land represents money, so do real estate, agricultural, construction, etc. It favors them.

During this year the industry related to wood, textiles, environment, editorials, will be generally favored.

The hidden characteristics of the goat are: yin fire, yin earth and yin wood, which generates a very dry combination that requires water to balance, in this way the liver and bones are kept healthy, for this it is recommended to stay well hydrated especially during the summer and consume omega 3, always under medical prescription.

Excessive carbohydrate intake is not recommended as these are converted into sugar which aggravates the dryness of the earth. The earth months, July, October and January, we must pay special attention to all the earth energy. Be cautious while driving on roads.

Those people born in the year of the rat, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2015 will be a year where they are more charismatic and attractive which will facilitate their public relations, on the other hand snakes 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 will travel much more and finally for people born in years with termination 0, 4, 8, the goat represents some person who will be present this year making everything easier and helping when complications arise.

As regards the Feng Shui of the place where we spend most of our lives, in our home or office, we must be aware of the energy of earth #2 and #5 because they are the energies to which the human being is vulnerable and therefore it is necessary to keep them in balance, for this the metals are ideal because they weaken the earth.

This year the #5 is in the west so placing 100% metal wind chimes is recommended for the sound of the metal to divide the energy by dispersing it, it is not recommended to do works or reforms in this area, and of course not to spend more than 2 or 3 hours a day in that area, because as we know it is the prolonged exposure to certain energy that affects us.

The energy #2 this year in the southeast, also needs to be mitigated with metal, in the classic Feng Shui, the Chinese use 6 metal coins, since 6 is the number of the metal, to reduce the possibility of having health problems. If we can afford to change the room if it contains this energy, it is much better, if not, we must do our best to weaken it and certainly prevent people from sleeping there.

Energy #3 refers to thefts and conflicts, falls in the center of our house, so placing important decorations in red is ideal to harmonize the environment.

Energy #7 also refers to discussions, because of its metal nature, placing 3 bamboo sticks represents balance and moves the energy in waves this year is north.

The favorable energies, 8, 9, 1, 6 can be activated and used as far as possible, working, sleeping, entering these orientations, however we must not forget that within Chinese metaphysics, Feng Shui corresponds to the luck of the earth, that is to say 1/3 of our luck, being of vital importance to make a review of our luck of the sky or Ba Zi, because the interaction between our house and us will depend on the moment in which we are and the combination of elements that are present. When we are vulnerable, that is, when our favorable elements are not present at the moment, it is when we must pay more attention to the Feng Shui of the place where we are, in order to be more protected from the influence of energy.

That said, if wood and earth are not our favorable elements, it is better to have patience, and prepare the Feng Shui of our home to spend the year in the best possible way, otherwise if they are favorable, congratulations, work on the aspects that represent for each one, because as we know they are not the same for everyone.

When we understand this nature of the universe where the sequence of the elements will move cyclically, we find it easier to understand why some things happen and others not even if we find no explanation, it avoids frustrations and gives us visibility to take advantage of the time in which we should be doing. This is what we call destiny in the West and we allude to it with phrases like, it was my turn, or it inexplicably happened, etc.

On the subject of work and/or career it is one of the areas in which knowing our Ba Zi favors us, because we can know in which industry we will give ourselves better and when, as well as which personalities complement us and with which we simply collide with the time to select an assistant, partner or collaborator.

Ideally, the Chinese consider that having a Ba Zi with the 5 elements is better, because it is more balanced, because when we lack some element it is easier to get into conflict when it occurs, that is, we can get sick because we are not compatible.

Finally, we should not forget the last part and not least of metaphysics, the fate of man that refers to our habits, customs and decisions, which ideally should complement and combine our Ba Zi, being cautious at the right times and taking care of our health and our body doing sports and eating a healthy diet.

This is 100% in our hands and it is for example what makes the life of twins different, who share an equal Ba Zi, and until a certain age they will live in the same place, but they will always use their free will and their paths will begin to differentiate.

Happy and prosperous year of the goat for all the followers of Feng Shui, the art of placement. If you want to have an energy audit of your home or workplace, or a consultation of your Ba Zi, you are in good time to take advantage of the year in the best possible way. Good luck!

Our House: One Third of Our Luck

Have you thought about what could change your life if you used the energy of your home in your favor? Knowing our house is as necessary as knowing ourselves because the knowledge of our house represents the third part of our fate.

According to Chinese metaphysics there are three factors that make up the destiny of a person. Namely: LUCK FROM HEAVEN, LUCK FROM MAN AND LUCK FROM EARTH. The Luck of Heaven: These are all those talents with which we were born; the place and family to which we belong, as well as the genetic predisposition that will make us develop and grow with specific physiological characteristics.

The Luck of Man: This is the free will that makes us act and decide based on our education, principles, beliefs and opportunities. The luck of the Earth: It is the one that gives us the place where we live or where we work. THIS IS THE PART OF THE FENG SHUI. As we see, each of these three represents a part of our destiny. One of them - The Luck of Heaven - is fixed and unalterable. However, we have in the other two - The Luck of the Earth and The Luck of Man - sources susceptible to highly beneficial changes and modifications.

When we have the opportunity to use Feng Shui to favorably impact the third part of what our life should be, it is relevant that we understand two things: one, that there are physical factors that we can see and identify, and the other, that we have factors that do not they materialize and nevertheless they are there, - yes there - in that precise place where we are. Both factors affect the human being in the same way. Let's make an analogy: the visible represented by the hardware of a computer and the invisible by the software. It does not work without it, but together they become an effective tool.

A Feng Shui consultant has to analyze both the visible and the invisible part. First the visual, reviewing the surroundings of our house or business looking to identify the basic elements in a site with good Feng Shui, as it has been done until today for more than 4000 thousand years using the school of Form. Secondly, a true Feng Shui professional will not be unless he makes essential use of one of the fundamental tools of the classic Feng Shui practice called luo pan, which serves to measure the exact orientation and based on this is to perform mathematical calculations with various variables, including the date of construction. As a result of this we will have the invisible characteristics of the site where we are.

Now, since all construction is a set of matter constructed in a certain way and placed in a specific orientation within a general plan, it will receive certain specific, unique and specific energy charges depending on the orientation, position, shape, age and environment. That particular site will contain a series of possibilities and exclusive qualities. These are the ones that will determine the quality of life that it will offer us. It is THE LUCK OF THE EARTH.

Classic Feng Shui uses this dynamic method based on time and space -flying stars- which has its origins in the rotation of the Big Dipper around the North Star, Polaris. The movement of its nine stars, seven visible and two invisible, determines the flow with which energy moves every day, every month and every year, making it possible for us to identify the type of qi that will visit our home from each of the orientations

As a result of observing the behavior of these nine stars, ancient Chinese astronomers designed 81 different combinations, each one related to specific aspects of both health and prosperity as well as human relationships. It is necessary for Feng Shui to prepare the energy table of a house to identify which are the characteristics or combinations that correspond to it, which will make it unique and different.

Knowing the weaknesses and strengths of our home is of the utmost importance since we will be able to understand many of the things that happen to us or not, and we will know if that house is consistent and favorable to our priorities.

Just as there are no good or bad people, there are no good or bad houses, each one is as it is and is valid for different things, the question is to see how these characteristics exert positively or not for its inhabitants. Potentially harnessing positive energy and neutralizing or mitigating negative ones and the effects they have on people is THE LAST AND PRIMARY OBJECTIVE to conduct a study of Feng Shui.

In other words, to know the relationship that the house has with its inhabitants and how this relationship has the power to influence positively or negatively.

Likewise, the Feng Shui consultant should also analyze the human aspect of the residents, since the general idea is to provide help to people, not to houses and for that, knowing a little of the people who live or work there, both about their interests as abilities, which as we indicated before, are represented by the fate of Heaven and their interpretation is done through Ba Zi or four pillars. The Ba Zi is a table that is composed of eight characters and the relationship between them will be interpreted as the fixed and immovable part of our life. It is unalterable. This was printed at the time we were born and aspire to our first qi. Having carried out these analyzes, we will already be able to get a clear idea about the relationship between the individual and the place where they are, in and until then, we will be ready - never before - to give suggestions. Therefore, the widespread ideas that will bring us love, health and abundance so beaten in the West in the last decade have disappointed many people, leaving only skepticism and confusion.

Last but not least, we touched on the theme of Man's Luck. This area is what we each manage to our free will, deciding on what we want to do, when, how, where and with whom. We also take care of our health and body, work, rest, play sports, etc., being the set of these habits, customs and decisions that will make up the last third of our destiny.

As we have seen, it is true that there is a part that does not depend on us, but another large part that we may modify in our favor. It is not possible to expect Feng Shui to make us millionaires or perform miracles, since it has already been explained what are the scope of the same, its benefits and importance, but of course that the understanding and application that its tools can provide us, gives us a satisfactorily complete picture, of what we are, of the environment where we will develop better, kind of recommended career, optimizing our choice of the right place so that we can take advantage of these characteristics and get a better result from them.

We will do the same with our health and body, we will know what our weakest areas are and we will try to avoid exposure to that energy that does not contribute to our best benefit and far from it weakens us even more.

Therefore, the area where we sleep is a priority for the human being for the time we spend there, the same as those places where we stay many hours, such as the living room, our office, etc., because it is after prolonged exposure to a certain energy, which is reflected in our person and in what we do.

If we put two people who were born at exactly the same time and in the same place and wondered why their lives are not the same; the answer would be that although they share the same BaZi, the other two thirds of their destiny, the fate of the Earth and that of Man were different.

For our fortune, Asian professors work tirelessly to make these old doctrines and the serious and effective use of their practice available to a larger core of people, the number of people we understand and accept the valuable contribution being increasingly high. It makes east to west as soon as we decide to incorporate them into our lives.

In conclusion, well-applied Feng Shui is a generator of remarkable changes in people's lives, saving us setbacks and difficulties. It is time to take advantage of it and put it into practice in order to be healthier and happier!

Leonor Estrada
Member of the British Feng Shui Society, Disciple of Grand Master Raymond Lo

12 Myths About Feng Shui

I arrived in Madrid 9 months ago, after a long stay in China. For 8 years I dedicated my time and energy to understand and learn how the Chinese integrate Feng Shui into their lives. Upon my return to the West I have encountered a series of concepts and ideas that deserve to be clarified, with the sole intention of preserving the authenticity of this doctrine away from myths or superstition.

Is Feng Shui magic?

Unfortunately when we hear about Feng Shui, sometimes we end up confused, since it has been related to magic and superstition, when it certainly has nothing to do with it; since it is an energy evaluation system backed by formulas, which makes each home or business different and has particular energy characteristics. Sometimes it has been misunderstood that by placing some sphere of light or a source we will obtain a specific result and it is not so, since the placement of objects or elements has to go according to the orientation and the type of energy that exists in certain sector. The mixture of the 3 factors, is what will modify the current energy, not the object by itself.

Can you see it with the naked eye?

Energy is not seen, all living beings perceive energy, humans and also animals and plants. Feng Shui developed a system called flying stars: based on 24 orientations, in which it is possible to evaluate the energy that surrounds us through time. For this, the use of Luo Pan is essential, which is the basic tool of a Feng Shui consultant; without the use of this magnetic compass, the practice is not very effective and therefore the previous schools such as the school of the eight mansions: Ba Zhai that focuses on the 8 orientations, or the use of the Ba Gua map: which is based on the input and assigns specific characteristics to each sector, they have been ruled out in the efficient practice of classic Feng Shui, mainly for not taking into account the time factor.

Does Feng Shui consist of tidying up our home?

Certainly having space free of objects and our house tidy and clean, will be the primary source for energy to flow freely. However, Feng Shui is not needed to know that we must get rid of what we do not use and to keep our home clean, tidy and ventilated.

Is Feng Shui a religion?

Although it is a practice from Taoism, it is one of the branches such as traditional Chinese medicine, nutrition or acupuncture, that, based on the five elements and the theory of Yin and yang, they will conform the Chinese concept of physical and mental well-being.

We are energy in constant motion

Is Feng Shui decorating?

Working on the basis of the five elements results in very cozy and visually pleasing rooms. This is due to the harmonic effect that the combination of colors and elements will generate in our mind and that we perceive through our senses. However, the goal of Feng Shui is not to visually like, but to generate well-being, promote health and help the flow of energy in a way that brings us prosperity and does not stagnate.  

Is Feng Shui practiced only once?

We are energy and we are part of a whole in constant movement. Energy is changing all the time, so it is ideal to make adjustments periodically: annually, which is when important changes take place.

Are there good houses and bad houses?

Absolutely all homes or commercial premises have better areas than others, this comes from Yin and Yang, they will complement each other to form a whole. It is true that there are constructions with energy characteristics better than others in general terms; that is to say in a shopping center for example, if the main entrance has a favorable orientation, the businesses that are inside will be benefited, otherwise if it does not have a positive energy at the entrance, the businesses will have more or less the same luck.

With a study of Feng Shui we will know where the favorable energies are and we will identify if they are at the right points to get from there, make the most of them so that the activity that is carried out is backed up with the correct energy.


Does Feng shui go from the general to the particular?

In the study of Feng Shui, the geographic environment is first evaluated using the form school, to see how our housing is protected. From the beginning of history the cities settled near some river and in a valley protected from mountains.

This was the basic principle of Feng Shui, Kwok. By (276-323AC): the energy of the dragon (the mountains) will stop at the water's edge and this will be the geographical point where there is a good Feng Shui. These characteristics of settlement are found in cities with more rapid economic development.

Secondly, with the use of a magnetic compass, the favorable sectors for the development of human relationships, health and prosperity will be detected; and we will use this energy using colors, materials and objects to keep it active.

Is it necessary to modify the decoration style?

In fact, the objects used in classic Feng Shui are very discreet and can go unnoticed or blend perfectly with the decoration, sometimes they don't even have to be in sight.

Today it seems that the trade of these objects has become very profitable and many practitioners have opted to engage in this activity.

However, professors with a good reputation in Asia oppose this, and focus their vision on the practice and teaching of this doctrine, always emphasizing the ethical part of Feng Shui, remembering that the goal is to help people improve their quality of life using real principles and practicing classic Feng Shui without mixing it with other activities.

Feng Shui helps improve the quality of life

Can diseases be cured?

Certainly with a Feng Shui analysis we can understand why a person is presenting certain symptoms, because prolonged exposure to a type of energy that is not favorable to someone, may eventually be reflected in their health.

It is possible to suggest to the person to change of room or of office that are the places where we spend many hours a day and, possibly; if the symptoms still do not turn into illness, you may feel better. It is also possible that we are in a place and we don't like the feeling, we don't sleep well, or we can't work; because a study of Feng Shui gives us the explanation to these situations.

Will we have to change house after a study of Feng shui?

Just as there is a misunderstanding that by indiscriminately placing an object, it will bring or take something away from us, we also sometimes imagine that after a study of Feng Shui we will have to make major reforms or even change our home, because not one thing, not the other. Classic Feng Shui suggests adjustments that would be in the middle of these two exaggerated ideas, always keeping in mind that energy is in motion and that in the medium term things should be readjusted again. Nothing is permanent.

Does it all depend on the position of our bed?

We have already said that classic Feng Shui goes from the general to the particular; whereby by the time we reach the position of our bed, many other aspects that have a greater impact on our well-being will have been evaluated, than the latter.

It does not mean that it does not matter, but in order of priority; It is certainly not near the first.

Leonor Estrada
FSSA member of the British Feng Shui Society, disciple of Grandmaster Raymond Lo